by Krisjen | Faith & Inspiration, Self Love & Growth
COVID-19 has been a time of revealing for the world. It is drawing a line in the sand and showing people’s hearts and true natures. I have seen family members and friends turn on one another, and I have seen those who may disagree still show compassion and understanding. Which side are you on? Not on the issues, but in the scheme of showing yourself to be loving or cruel… what would be said of you?
by Krisjen | Faith & Inspiration, Self Love & Growth
We are all blessed to have a Savior who will love us no matter what, and certainly we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. However, as Christians, I think it is important that we don’t hide behind Jesus’ love as a license to sin. Instead, we must own up to our mistakes, repent, and seek to do better.
by Kristin | Faith & Inspiration, Self Love & Growth
What is truth? This is a loaded question that will receive many different responses. I am not writing to teach people about what is real or what is a lie, and I am not debating. I am simply hoping to show why seeking truth in your life and from God is something you SHOULD be doing and WANT to be doing. Also, way more people are living some lies, and are content with lies, than may be aware.
by Jennifer | Faith & Inspiration
“Days turn to weeks, and weeks to months, and months to years very quickly. People plan for tomorrow but fail to live for today. Men and women work and plan for their retirement so that they will have the time and the funds to do all the things they have been dreaming of for years…
by Jennifer | Faith & Inspiration
“It is easy to take credit and to accept praise for all the good things that we do, but it can be most difficult to admit failure and to accept blame without excuse. Not all battles are won, and with victory there will also be setbacks and defeats…
by Jennifer | Faith & Inspiration
“In trouble, to be troubled is to have your trouble doubled.” – Daniel Defoe.
“Troubles come unto all of us at some point in our lives, and if we allow the troubles of life to cause undue stress, fret, and worry, then we have added trouble to our troubles…