Don’t Double Your Trouble
“In trouble, to be troubled is to have your trouble doubled.” – Daniel Defoe.
“Troubles come unto all of us at some point in our lives, and if we allow the troubles of life to cause undue stress, fret, and worry, then we have added trouble to our troubles…
When Silence is Betrayal
“There comes a time when silence is betrayal.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Loyalty to family, loyalty to friends, loyalty to God, and loyalty to truth and justice will not prevail in silence. There is a time to be still, and a time to be silent, but there are times when silence is betrayal…
Take Pride in the Small Tasks
“I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.” – Helen Keller
“There is power in time and there is power in persistence, and if we are persistent over time we shall achieve greater things…
“Freedom Lies in Being Bold.” -Robert Frost
“To be free is to not be captive. There are many things in life that can make us captive or make us feel captive. The plight of our condition can lead to feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, which can cause us to feel that we are captive, prisoners to the pattern of our lives…
What I Want Now
“There are struggles that dwell within most hearts, be they young or old, and for some the struggles fought within are few and easily won, but for others the struggles within seem constant and keep hearts weary and troubled. It is the battle between right and wrong, good and evil, light and darkness…
The Rose of Spring
“From the ashes I shall rise, from the depths of the deepest sorrow I shall climb,
This day to climb out of bed is the best I can do, but from these ashes I shall rise.
A fog surrounds me, and all I feel is pain in my heart as I seek to comprehend such loss,
Tears were shed seeking great mercy and now tears flow from hearts that are broken…
The Secrets of the Heart
“There are no walls more impenetrable than those erected within the human heart. There are no secrets more vanquishing than the ones locked deep within the human heart. There is no silence as complete as the unspoken words of the heart…
“What other dungeon is so dark as one’s own heart? What jailer so inexorable as one’s self?” -Nathaniel Hawthorne
“We are told that the truth will set us free, but for many the truth makes them a prisoner to their past, for that which is hidden and locked within their minds and hearts removes the power of truth. There is great power in truth, but some hearts are such dark dungeons that the words of truth will not penetrate and will not free them…
Tattered and Torn
“Tattered and torn are the signs that declared that the circus is coming to town – signs stapled to utility poles and on the sides of an old barn, signs faded by time and worn by the rain and the sun. All were once colorful and new, and the images and the words upon them brought joy to many a child’s heart. Faded memories of the events of a childhood now past,..
Plan Your Days, But Don’t Miss the Moments
“I have heard it said that, ‘timing is everything,’ and in some circumstances this may well be true, but in so many areas of our lives the perfect and precise moment is a mystery, for moments are past, present, and future but can only be carried out in the now. I can plan my days and my weeks, but the execution of my plans can only be done in the moment…
Awaken to a New Day
“There is stillness in the dawn as the sun begins to rise, and as I gaze upon my neighborhood the lights within the homes provide a soft and gentle glow unto the new day still shrouded in the dark of night. The birds sing and in the distance there are the sounds of a world that awakens to a new day…