“Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” -Mark Twain

“Words and actions must be in unity and harmony within our soul to bring forth the language of love that can be seen by the blind and heard by the deaf.  We live in a world where many are blind to the hurt their words and actions cause, and many are deaf to the voices that call unto them for kindness, tenderness, and love. 

There is still light within many hearts, and there are acts of love and kindness each day to be seen, but there is darkness that threatens to extinguish the light that remains within our own heart and the hearts of others across the earth.  Darkness within and darkness without will never be overcome by more darkness, for only light will penetrate and remove darkness.  Acts of sacrifice, kindness, tenderness, and selfless love shine like beacons in the night in a world where bitter envy, hatred, and evil seem to take center stage each day as we watch the events that transpired while we were sleeping. 

Many within our nation talk about freedom and their rights to do whatever they want to do, but who is man to make laws that go against all that is good, just, and holy, all that even a blind man can clearly see is wrong and a deaf man can hear are the lies of darkness?  Kindness remains in many hearts, and kindness is heard by deaf ears and seen by blind eyes, for kindness is of the heart and spirit of man for kindness is of heavenly light. 

I cannot change all hearts that beat with hatred and evil, and I cannot stop all the hurtful words or prevent all the acts of cruelty, hatred, and evil that flow from such hearts, but I can change my heart by the power of love, and I can remove any darkness that may remain within my soul by the power of heavenly light.  May the Lord bless us and keep us, and may the Lord lead us to let the light of kindness be seen and heard this day.”

~ Kris & Jen ~