The Rose of Spring
“From the ashes I shall rise, from the depths of the deepest sorrow I shall climb,
This day to climb out of bed is the best I can do, but from these ashes I shall rise.
A fog surrounds me, and all I feel is pain in my heart as I seek to comprehend such loss,
Tears were shed seeking great mercy and now tears flow from hearts that are broken.
Tragedy can come like the lightning and the tempest storm can cause a raging sea,
One day all is well, and the roses bloom and the birds sing, but change can quickly come.
Tragedy changes our focus and what was so important yesterday fades into nothingness,
The rose has lost its beauty and my heart breaks, O how my heart breaks.
This day the words of my heart are filled with sorrow but my words remain,
Expressions of hope and love flowed freely when heaven’s mercy was being sought.
But this day the rose has lost its beauty and my words of love and hope feel empty,
My heart still loves, but the expressions of the broken heart are rooted in sorrow and pain.
From the ashes I shall rise, I will live and breathe; I will live and carry on in my grief,
I will walk through my veil of tears and I will carry on in my deepest sorrow.
I will pray, I will hope, I will love and I will wait for the rose to bloom once more,
From the ashes I shall rise, and from the cold emerge to see once more the rose of spring.”
~ Kris & Jen ~