What Christians Should and Should NOT be Doing During COVID-19

by | Apr 17, 2020

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Judgement and hypocrisy amongst mankind is nothing new, but COVID-19 has definitely shined a light on it.  Fear amplifies emotions and people’s judgement of others, so it is natural that we are seeing this in a time of widespread fear.   

This virus is a time of revealing for the world.  It is drawing a line in the sand and showing people’s hearts and true natures.  It’s easy to believe and convince others that you are a light and a love when everything is easy.  But what do people see when times are hard?   

I have seen family members and friends name calling and belittling each other on social media.  I have seen complete strangers publicly shame others and yell at them in the streets.  I (Kristin) personally was cursed at by an elderly lady in a grocery store for glancing over as I watched her yell at a young store worker.  

I have also seen people who fundamentally disagree treat each other with great respect and kindness.  I have seen neighbors and friends rise up in support of each other.  I’ve seen laughter, brotherly love, and a lot of beauty. 

Which side are you on? 

Not on the issues, but in the scheme of showing yourself to be loving or cruel…what would be said of you?

If you are a Christian,  I am speaking to you – about your fear, about your pride, and about your judgement and treatment of others.   

What should you be doing during this time?  How should you be feeling?   

It’s hard to always know what is wrong or right in such an unprecedented time, but Jesus definitely gave us many examples that can be applied today.   

For starters…

As a Christian, you SHOULD NOT be judging and shaming others.

There are people with completely opposite points of view as to how serious this virus really is, what precautions we should personally take, what precautions and mandates the Government should enforce, etc.     

BUT… does your opinion, or anyone else’s opinion on these various issues, REALLY show you what is in their heart?  NO! 

If someone is wearing a face mask in public and has been in full quarantine since the first hint of danger, maybe they are truly following their heart and trying to help slow the spread of an illness they truly believe to be very severe.   

If someone is NOT wearing a face mask and is still working and living their life, it should not be assumed that they have no regard for human life and are out there trying to kill your grandma.    

There are too many valid sides to this issue for all the judgement I see taking place.   We have freewill, and we always have to answer for our own choices and worry about our own salvation, not each other’s.  


As a Christian, you SHOULD support others.

And you should be supportive even if you disagree. 

Pray for your family, neighbors, friends, and nation.  And when it comes to any actions that you want to take to either fight the virus or to fight back against government oppression (whichever side of the spectrum you are on), lead by example and be kind.     

Again, you do not know where someone’s heart is in the matter.  What you deem to be negligent behavior, to them may be their fight rooted in love.   

What are we actually fighting here?   

It is possible to think this virus is serious and dangerous and also not agree with the way individuals or the governments are handling things.   

It’s also possible to think this virus is not as severe as we’ve been led to believe and not be a horrible person for thinking so.   

We can’t repent for others, make choices for others, provide salvation for others, so agree to disagree and just show some love and compassion for others.   

No one is walking in anyone else’s shoes except their own, so you don’t really know what other people are going through.  You can have an opinion and you can stand up for what you believe, but even in disagreement or fighting for your cause, there is no call for so much anger, name calling, judgement, and fear mongering.  

As a Christian, you SHOULD NOT wear your quarantined state like a badge of honor.

It is like a competition amongst people over who can go the longest without leaving their house and who has their family on the tightest lockdown.   

I’m not saying you can’t take the precautions you feel necessary and/or mandated by the state you live in, but again, if you are using this as a source of pride to belittle and shame others, then do a little soul searching as to whether or not you really think that is what Jesus would do.  He led by example.  He did not belittle and ridicule other people, even if He knew them to be sinners.  Instead, He treated all with love.   

As a Christian, you SHOULD be humble.

As a Christian, you should KNOW that Jesus has more power over this virus and over all of mankind than any person ever could.  It is not your job to shame others into wearing a mask or behaving a certain way.  Look to Him, trust in Him, and cry out to Him.  Again, you can disagree with other’s choices, but that is all the more reason to pray for them.   

As a Christian, you SHOULD NOT be fearful.

Are you afraid?  For yourself, for your family?  I would argue that as a Christian you should not be driven by fear in any situation.  It is sad and astounding to me how many people who claim to trust Jesus are in a complete panic over this illness.   

Where is your faith?   

I am not saying the virus isn’t real or dangerous, but even in real danger, when did the bible or the foundation of your faith ever promise you that there would be no trials?   

Was Jesus’ example to be afraid?   

You can look to any area of your life, outside of this virus, and if you feel fear or anxiety, that is an area that you have not surrendered to God.  You don’t really trust Him, because if you did, there would be no cause for fear.   

What if the worst-case scenario occurred to you or your loved ones?   

Even then, God is still on His throne and He sees the bigger picture for your life, and He loves your loved ones more than you do, so trust Him.  

As a Christian, you SHOULD be a light of truth and a beacon of hope to others.

With the blatant lies and fake news that is out there, coupled with all of the fear mongering going on, it is easy for even the strongest of Christians to have some moments of doubt or worry, but let’s rise above it and be stronger!   When your fellow Christians, neighbors, and friends are afraid, they WILL see that you are not.   

Buy groceries for the elderly or high risk in your family or community.  Offer words of love and kindness to those that are not dealing well with the quarantine.  Offer words of hope from the Lord, because there are many.  

This too shall pass, and all life is in God’s hands.   

As a Christian, you SHOULD NOT look to the government to guide your life, your choices, or to take care of you.

It is no one’s responsibility to take care of you but your own, and no person or government owes you anything.  But that’s okay, because you have a Savior who promises to love and care for you!   

No government of any nation on this earth knows exactly how this virus is going to play out.  Our leaders are making many decisions for us, some rooted in the preservation of human life and safety, and some for political power and financial gain.   

If you do not KNOW that there are at least some evil people exploiting this virus and using your fear and compassion to accomplish their agenda, then that is a whole separate issue, but it is something you need to open your eyes to. 

Do not be as sheep to the slaughter, and do not blindly trust what the media or government says to do.  You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist, but you are not to be of this world either.   

Recognize that as a Christian you have an enemy, and always look to Jesus to be your defense.  

As a Christian, you SHOULD look to God to be your strong defender in hard times.

There is nothing wrong with wanting your voice to be heard.  Write to your governors and elected officials if you disagree with how things are being handled.  Be sure to vote in the next election.   

Do your homework (you’re home anyway) and educate yourself about what is really happening so that you can use wisdom and love in all of your choices.  

But at the end of the day, put your faith in GOD to get us through this hard time, NOT the government. 

This has shined a light on your faith, trust, and surrender.  

What did it reveal?  If this is a taste of what far worse things could happen in the future, how are you doing with your trial run?   

Life can change in a moment, and truthfully that has always been the case, so use this trial to turn to God, to strengthen your faith, and to evaluate where you place your trust.  In doing so, you will be better prepared for future trials. 

~ Kris & Jen ~