Why Diamonds Are So Overrated

by | Jan 9, 2019

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My husband proposing to me nearly 14 years ago was for sure one of the best days of my life.  I was elated to announce our engagement and probably even more excited to show off my ring. 

He had gotten me the most beautiful diamond ring he could on our very modest budget.  We were only 21 years old at the time and still in college, so there were hardly funds for an extravagant ring. 

I was aware that he didn’t have a lot of money, and I never would have expected that he finance some expensive diamond ring that we would spend years paying off. 

After all, his good financial sense was a large part of why I wanted to marry him. 

As a result, I was completely thrilled with the tiny diamond that he was able to afford. 

Fast forward a few years to when we both had good jobs and money wasn’t nearly as tight. 

I began to notice other women’s much fancier rings and desired an upgrade for myself.  I began researching various rings and realizing that, though I desired a larger center stone and an all-around more “wow” ring, the practical nature in me just couldn’t stomach the price tags that came along with these rings. 

After all, I didn’t need a different ring, so I just couldn’t justify spending so much money on it.  

It was then that I began to question why I was even shopping for a diamond. 

They were just SO expensive!  I also began to wonder why I had never questioned this before.  I had just expected that he would propose to me with a diamond, just as he probably felt like he was expected to buy a diamond.  It hadn’t even occurred to me to seek more cost-effective alternatives.

I began to realize that I had been somewhat brainwashed into believing I had to have a diamond engagement ring, and the diamond marketers had been quite successful in leading me to believe that “a diamond is forever.” 

The more I began to research diamonds, however, the more I realized that I definitely didn’t want one!

For starters, I’m sure most are aware of the controversy surrounding the diamond industry with movies like Blood Diamond depicting a horrible truth.  But above all else, I just couldn’t get past the price tag and the feeling like surely there was a better deal to be found. 

I have never been a name-brand sort of person, at least not when the name brand isn’t actually a superior product.  If all I am paying for is the name, then count me out.  I get way more satisfaction out of finding a great deal on something than I ever would by being able to say that something was expensive.  I have just never cared about status symbols and try to avoid overpaying for these items.

However, I came to realize that diamonds were essentially the “name brand” of engagement rings, and this time I had fallen for it! 

So, I had determined that I didn’t want a diamond, but I wasn’t sure that a cubic zirconia was right for me either.  I am not knocking anyone out there with a CZ ring, as they are beautiful and you know I appreciate being budget friendly, but in my case, I wanted my new ring to feel like a high-quality upgrade that would be the last ring I would ever need, and CZ was falling a little short. 

Enter my discovery of MOISSANITE!  It was everything I had been looking for!  It was a true gemstone with very similar specs to that of a diamond, giving it the ability to last forever, though it has even MORE fire and brilliance, and it is a FRACTION of the price.

This was the deal I had been searching for – a superior product at a much cheaper price.

I have had my moissanite ring for about 10 years now.  It is just as beautiful as the day I got it, and I continue to receive compliments all the time.  My mother and sister have also gotten moissanite rings, and Kristin’s especially is a huge showstopper!  Someone comments on her ring almost every time I’m out with her.  Not only does the lower price of moissanite just allow for a much bigger, more impressive-looking ring, but moissanite truly is prettier and sparkles more than a diamond, so they just tend to garner a lot of attention. 

My gorgeous moissanite engagement ring that I wear with my amazing bargain find from Amazon.

My plan was to get a few inexpensive bands that I could change out often to create different looks.  However, this band from Amazon was the first one I bought, and I love it so much that I haven’t even wanted others.  I purchased it for less than $20, and I am so impressed with the quality.  I never take it off and it is still as perfect as the day I got it, despite tons of wear and tear. 

Check it out here.


I’m sure that most people have assumed my ring is a diamond, as you truly cannot tell the difference, and it’s not like I make it a point to correct them.  I just never really give much thought to what people think my ring is.  All I know is that I love it and others seem to as well.  

I have no problem letting people know that it isn’t a diamond – case in point, I am publishing this article on the internet for the world to see.  Bottom line, I have a very high-quality, beautiful ring that people compliment all of the time, and I didn’t break the bank to get it.  I call that a WIN! 

I highly encourage anyone looking to get engaged, upgrade their current wedding set, or just who loves beautiful jewelry in general, to consider moissanite for their next piece.  There are so many sites out there that sell “moissy,” as it is now lovingly called, and most of these sites will also contain a lot of information about the history of the gemstone as well as proof of how amazing it is when compared to a diamond – with moissanite outranking diamonds in almost every category. 

I’m sure if you begin to research this wonderful stone, you will see the amazing quality and value, just as I did. 

~ Jennifer ~

Begin your search for a great diamond alternative!

Moissy Fine Jewellry is a wonderful company offering moissanite seletions on many different types of jewelry.  However, they are especially amazing when it comes to engagement rings with how many customization options they give to truly build your perfect ring from start to finish.  Click here to check them out, and be sure to apply our exclusive promo code KRISJEN10 to save 10% off your entire order!

Jeulia is a wonderful company that we have used and recommend that has many beautiful jewelry options, both moissanite and otherwise.  Click here to shop with our exclusive 15% off code.

Moissanite collections can even be found on Amazon.  Click here to view available options.