The Mountains Majestically Rise Up

“The mountains majestically rise up above the changing landscape of the earth, and the oceans sound forth their power and might with each wave that crashes upon the shores of the land, and the heavens above with clouds of white and storms that rage are but a veil to the innumerable stars that forever shine…

Between Heart and Mind

“There is a battle fought, a war that doth rage between heart and mind,
Why must war rage between words of the heart and words of the mind?
Does the mind follow the heart or does the heart surrender to the rule of the mind?
In my heart there is a vision of who I am, but in my mind I am not always the same…

The Rose of Spring

“From the ashes I shall rise, from the depths of the deepest sorrow I shall climb, 
This day to climb out of bed is the best I can do, but from these ashes I shall rise. 
A fog surrounds me, and all I feel is pain in my heart as I seek to comprehend such loss, 
Tears were shed seeking great mercy and now tears flow from hearts that are broken…

The Secrets of the Heart

“There are no walls more impenetrable than those erected within the human heart.  There are no secrets more vanquishing than the ones locked deep within the human heart.  There is no silence as complete as the unspoken words of the heart…